Quality control

The quality management system (QMS) was introduced at Promperforator in 2007.

Quality management system consists of integrated quality management actions. The system functions along with other business processes on production steps.

The system includes all general quality requirements for basic steps of product lifetime, namely:

  • marketing, researching and market analysis;
  • contract analysis and negotiation aspects;
  • wholesale;
  • preparation and development of manufacturing process;
  • items completion;
  • items assembly;
  • inspection and tests;
  • processing of results;
  • package and storage;
  • distribution.

Three main directions can be outlined according to their influence character:

  • quality assurance;
  • quality management;
  • quality improvement.

Thus, the QMS ensures management of the company that:

  • system is able to control and manage all kinds of company business process influencing quality;
  • system is oriented on preventive measures and helps to avoid quality problems.

One of the main aspects in quality management is quality planning. Planning is realized according to all QMS requirements and is properly documented.

The main document in quality planning is the Quality improvement program, which is developed by Quality department and approved by CEO.

The quality control of incoming items is fully based on actual specifications, state standards and process flow schemes.

All parts and components of products are identified by unique codes, ciphers and titles according to delivery documents (specifications, state and branch standards, and other terms of reference).

During assembly, final control and field tests the identification is carried out by components marking, completing of accompanying documentation, making reports and log book filling.

These methods allow tracking and estimating the produced item condition on all steps of manufacturing process, including:

  • incoming inspection of materials and parts quality;
  • performing technological process procedures, their control and checkout;
  • separation of inappropriate products;
  • preservation and packaging.

Company determines and plans manufacturing processes, influencing product quality on all steps of its lifecycle and ensures their realization in managed environment.

Managed environment includes methods of control for:

  • documents for all parts and components of products;
  • producing and testing equipment;
  • rigging and accessories;
  • measuring tools used in tests;
  • technological processes and working instructions;
  • main process flow schemes.

Process control and management is connected with finished product requirements. If process parameters check is physically unreasonable, finished product characteristics are checked.

Finished products manufacturing and production checks are strictly planned. Documented test and technical control procedures, containing product and test description with quality factors are available for all characteristics under check.

Incoming inspection of parts and components is performed according to methodologies, defined by the company standards and “The list of materials and half-finished items subject to incoming inspection”.

Using materials, half-finished parts and components without incoming quality inspection is prohibited.

Materials, half-finished parts and components used in production are stored in warehouses according to identification requirements, expiration dates; storage conditions prevent quality decrease and scheduled rechecking according to regulatory documentation.

All kinds of equipment, including stationary machines, assembly accessories, benches, technological devices, clichs, gauges and measuring tools undergo accuracy check before use and are double-checked after major repairs.

Requirements to all parameters influencing quality of products as well as inspection schedule are shown in technological procedures, methods, products technical conditions.

A range of persons authorized for changing the technological documentation, is clearly defined. All changes in technological equipment, materials, components and technological processes are documented and brought to attention of involved specialists. Procedure of changing the process is given in current company standards.

Production control and testing procedures were developed within the framework of current QMS. Depending on the production stage, control and inspection type all test procedures they are determined according to their extent, status and order.

Current regulatory and technological documentation, inspection procedures and consumer satisfaction are the main quality rating documents.

The main target of quality control is providing reliability of products quality rating.

Technical control department performs information monitoring (consumer satisfaction) as one of the ways of QMS rating. All customer information regarding products quality is discussed at regular committee meetings for analyzing and elaborating appropriate decision.

All QMS elements are regularly checked internally to confirm that QMS:

  • corresponds to planned activities and demands of company standard instructions;
  • implemented effectively and kept at working state.

The personal structure of the QMS internal checking and efficiency rating committee, inspection targets, terms and evaluation of system elements are mentioned in CEO order.

QMS analysis and evaluation is executed by corresponding personnel not involved in checked objects operation or in system.

All products are inspected and tested according to demands of standard technical documentation and inspection methods. Inspection types and extent is given in corresponding technological processes, programs, inspection methods and items control lists.

Control types:

  • incoming control of frames, materials, semi-finished items and parts;
  • operational control, technical requirements and instructions control for each item;
  • casual inspection is made according to casual control plan;
  • out of schedule casual control is made in case of quality decrease at one of production areas;
  • acceptance quality control department tests;
  • periodic tests, requested by construction documents.

Promperforator company permanently increases the QMS effectiveness through quality values policy realization, audition results analysis, data analysis, corrective and preventing actions and personal management analysis.

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